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Conflicting Testimony In Murder Trial

Deadly Encounter: Police Officers Face Trial over Death of 137-Kg Man

Conflicting Testimony in Murder Trial

Deadly Confrontation on Mannheim Marktplatz

A high-profile trial is underway in Mannheim, Germany, as two police officers face charges in connection with the death of a 137-kilogram man in 2022. The incident has sparked intense scrutiny and raised questions about the use of force by law enforcement.

On May 4, 2022, a 47-year-old man died on the Mannheim Marktplatz after being restrained by police officers. The man had reportedly been acting erratically and was taken into custody after a doctor called for assistance.

The trial has featured conflicting testimony from medical experts. One doctor claims the man died as a result of positional asphyxia caused by the officers' restraint techniques, while another expert contends that the man suffered a fatal cardiac event due to his underlying health conditions.
