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Is Burrowing Animals Chemical Weathering


Plants and animals can do the work of mechanical weathering figure 4 This could happen slowly as a plants roots grow into a crack or fracture in rock and gradually grow larger wedging open the crack. One of the best known burrowing animals is the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris This organism plays an important role in soil ecology As they tunnel through soil earthworms make a network of spaces. Burrowing animals can move rock fragments to the surface exposing the rock to more intense chemical physical and biological processes and so indirectly enhancing the process of rock weathering. Biological weathering only refers to weathering caused by organisms -- animals plants fungi and microorganisms such as bacteria While certain forms of biological weathering such as the breaking. Biological weathering is caused by the actions of plants and animals as they grow nest and burrow Chemical weathering occurs when rocks undergo chemical reactions to form new minerals..

Plants and animals can do the work of mechanical weathering figure 4 This could happen slowly as a plants roots grow into a crack or fracture in rock and gradually grow larger wedging open the crack. One of the best known burrowing animals is the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris This organism plays an important role in soil ecology As they tunnel through soil earthworms make a network of spaces. Burrowing animals can move rock fragments to the surface exposing the rock to more intense chemical physical and biological processes and so indirectly enhancing the process of rock weathering. Biological weathering only refers to weathering caused by organisms -- animals plants fungi and microorganisms such as bacteria While certain forms of biological weathering such as the breaking. Biological weathering is caused by the actions of plants and animals as they grow nest and burrow Chemical weathering occurs when rocks undergo chemical reactions to form new minerals..

